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« Shooting HD Video with Digital SLRs: What You Need to Know | Main | Maui: Black Rock Dive Profile »

December 06, 2010

The Making of Under the Sea 3D

What weighs 1,200 lbs., cost $5,000 to operate for three minutes and requires the film to be changed every three minutes? If you guessed Howard Hall's IMAX underwater camera system, you're right. He recently posted a video to his VIMEO account showing his team using the camera system, which he says is "the most impractical underwater camera system ever invented," to film great white sharks in South Australia for the IMAX film Under the Sea 3D.

That means Hall's IMAX underwater system weighs as much as a horse and the 40 minutes of footage from the movie cost roughly $65,000 to produce.

What I like most about the VIMEO video is that it includes communications between Hall's team captured by Ocean Technology Systems underwater communications devices embedded in their rebreather mouthpieces.

Three minutes and nine seconds into the film, Hall turns his back on a great white shark. A female diver, who I assume is Hall's wife Michele, says, "behind you." Hall responds with, "I never saw that one coming," which draws laughs from his team.

Here is the video:

Filming Great Whites from Howard Hall on Vimeo.

Posted by jroualdes at December 6, 2010 03:06 AM

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